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Monday, June 17, 2024

Flickr Challenge (Week 5, Blog 2)

I explored Flickr this week more closely. Flickr provides high-quality images and allows users to share and use others' work, automatically crediting the authors. Although some pictures seem to be outdated and the website is full of ads, just like many other tools these days, the gallery seemed to be a great space for teaching and learning resources. 

Below is the gallery I created for the Flickr Challenge. 

 Flickr Challenge

I chose "famous architecture" as a lesson topic. As students learn about different types of architecture and the history related to it in geography or social studies class, this gallery can help them see the actual pictures of these works. One thing we should be cautious about is unintentionally creating bias when introducing examples of images related to the topic. To prevent this, teachers can encourage students to create their own galleries by exploring on their own and presenting them to peers. 

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Reflection (Week 6, Blog 3)

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