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Monday, June 17, 2024

Reflection (Week 5, Blog 3)

 I was a little bit behind this week due to a family trip to Jeju Island. I finished the community assignment before I went on a trip, and now I am catching up on some challenges and writing blog posts. With the assignment, It was a great opportunity to analyze two communities using a theory from previous articles and my point of view. I am excited about the upcoming assignments and what I can learn from them. I also noticed my peers' comments on my latest posts - I appreciate them and plan to leave comments soon. I also plan to be more active in checking others' posts and some of the course accounts on social media platforms this week. At the same time, I try to stay not too overwhelmed by the number of tools introduced in this course as how Dr. Dennen described as a "social media buffet." I should focus on one or two tools each week and explore the ones that I can learn best. 

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Reflection (Week 6, Blog 3)

 This week, I couldn't spend much time online as I had some personal duties to finish. However, this week's topic interested me, and...